Service Learning Project Grant Request

Earn Funding for Your Service Project!

WHO: You and your classmates form a team.

WHAT: You and your team identify the NEED (global, national, and local/community), the WHY, design a service project to impact the community, and present to a select panel of community members. The goal is to receive funding ($200.00) to execute the proposed service project for the community. Review and understand additional Challenge dates and expectations.

WHERE: Teams are being challenged to identify a specific need in their local community and isolate a specific area to provide a service project for the betterment of the community. The service project must be conducted locally and is not intended to support an international community.

WHEN: First come first serve! Submit your team proposal as soon as possible to ensure funding is still available to you.
In the proposal the timeframe of the project should be outlined. It is the students responsibility to ensure it is completed by the end of the school year and a presentation is scheduled with the Magnified Giving staff to share the impact report.

HOW: The planning process should include identification of WHAT, WHERE, WHEN, HOW, and COST of the project and the IMPACT! The accomplishment of each requirement will result in financial support of $200.00 for the team to execute their project.  Review and understand additional Challenge dates and expectations.

WHY: This project is designed to encourage students to “think outside of the box” to propose useful and impactful solutions for today’s social challenges. We believe our youth CAN and WILL change the world!


  • Class, Club or Independent team of driven students

  • An approved adult mentor must accept responsibility for funding and project completion

  • Team must be comprised of a minimum of 4 students

  • Tangible project implemented within a community, school or non-profit environment

  • By submitting the application the team is agreeing to meet each deadline

  • By submitting the application the team is agreeing to research, plan, and execute the project for their community

  • Should the project not be completed all funds granted must be returned to Magnified Giving in full

  • The expense report provided must be submitted in full, accounting for all funds by the project deadline date

  • The $200.00 grant is not intended to be used for team meeting needs – ex. snacks, drinks, or ‘merch’ such as t-shirts

  • The team agrees to share photos, celebration dates, etc. of the final project with Magnified Giving


The presentation must include the following points:

  • What is the social cause?

  • What organization are you planning to work with or support?

  • Who is the population to be served by your project?

  • Based upon the social cause, what is the Global, National and Local/Community impact?

  • What is your service project idea and anticipated cost?

  • What is the desired impact of the specific project your team has designed?

  • Reflect on the team “WHY” for selecting the social cause, the project and the individuals being impacted


Service Project Planning Guide: Youth Service America

Teachers & Facilitators: Find more resources in the Teacher Resource Library

Questions? Email Alison Kaufman, Vie President of Programs, at