Bring Magnified Giving to Your School

Magnified Giving is a nonprofit organization with the mission to educate, inspire and engage students in philanthropy, and to touch the hearts and minds of teens, lighten the concerns of others, and magnify the impact of philanthropy. Through service-learning and our 6 step process, students learn about nonprofit organizations, how they work, the impact they have on our community, how to be involved, and grant $1,000 back to a nonprofit organization. To learn more about the program, please visit the link below to learn more about each step of our program and contact Magnified Giving Director of Programs, Alison Kaufman at

♦ Learn more about the student experience through our programs website at
♦ Learn more about Magnified Giving as an organization at
♦ Follow us on social media @magnifiedgiving.

About Magnified Giving

Magnified Giving Program Types

  • Schools are offering Magnified Giving across an entire grade-level which allows the program to reach all students the school through one single subject, often allowing for curriculum crossover in other subjects in teaching teams. This process permits a school to magnify the impact on the students and the school culture by allowing, within multiple classrooms, a cross-education regarding the social cause selected and nonprofit agencies researched.

  • Schools are offering Magnified Giving across an entire grade-level which allows the program to reach all students the school through one single subject, often allowing for curriculum crossover in other subjects in teaching teams. This process permits a school to magnify the impact on the students and the school culture by allowing, within multiple classrooms, a cross-education regarding the social cause selected and nonprofit agencies researched.

  • Magnified Giving programs can be implemented in core-curriculum courses or in an elective. Regardless of the subject, the real-world connection of the program allows for students to gain skills and apply knowledge as they explore how our communities work. Teachers guide students, empowering them to follow their passions while meeting benchmarks throughout a unit, semester, or year-long program.

  • A Magnified Giving program within an extracurricular club allows the school to design the flow of the program to best fit the culture of their school, and open to a wide variety of students. The Magnified Giving program is implemented in Key Club, National Honor Society, or as a separate Philanthropy Club, or extracurricular activities offered to students. We also encourage student led-initiative programs and only ask for adult support to help keep the process moving forward as needed.

Thank you for learning about our programs and mission!

If you are interested in implementing a Magnified Giving program or learning more about our programs or curriculum consultation, please email Alison Kaufman, Director of Programs at